Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Rational Team Concert - Migrating 32-bit to 64-bit environment

Hi folk,

I will describe in this post, using Rational Team Concert (RTC) 3.0.1, the migration procedure followed from 32-bit environment to 64-bit environment.

Easy right?

For this example I have prepared three virtual machines with the following characteristics:
  • RHEL 5.5 (32 bits)
    • hostname: cocbase
    • IP:
    • Install software:
      • IBM WebSphere Application Server ND
      • IBM HTTP Server 
      • IBM Installation Manager 1.5.2
      • IBM Rational Team Concert 3.0.1 
  • Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (64 bits)
    • hostname: ubuntu64ddbb
    • IP:
    • Install software:
      • IBM DB2 ESE 9.7
      • OpenLDAP
  • RHEL 5.5 (64 bits)
    • hostname: cocbase
    • IP:
    • Install software:
      • IBM WebSphere Application Server ND
      • IBM HTTP Server 
RTC initial described in the following diagram:

So, let's start!

The procedure:
  1. Verify that your hardware and software
  2. Check special instructions for UNIX systems
  3. Setting up a WebSphere Application Server:
    1. Security
    2. Specific settings on the Java Virtual Machine
    3. LDAP configuration
  4. Install IBM Installation Manager 1.5.2
  5. Install IBM Rational Team Concert 3.0.1
  6. Change owner and permissions on applications
  7. Deploying applications
  8. Stop Web services 32 bits environment
  9. Copy filesystem
  10. Start application server and web services 64 bits environment
  11. Check migration
1. Verify that your hardware and software
A 64-bit operating system and a minimum of 4 GB of server memory provide the best environment for running the Jazz Team Server (JTS). For a complete list of system requirements for the current release, see System Requirements. For sizing guidelines, see Maximizing performance.

2. Check special instructions for UNIX systems
This link provides information about installing Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) products on UNIX systems.

3. Setting up a WebSphere Application Server
  • The Java™ 2 Security option must be turned off:

  • Ensure that the Use available authentication data when an unprotected URI is accessed application server security setting is selected

Specific settings on the Java Virtual Machine
Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > Server1.
Under Server Infrastructure, click Java and Process Management > Process definition.
Under Additional Properties, click Java Virtual Machine.
  • Add the value 100 to Initial Heap.
  • Add the value 4096 to Maximum Heap Size. Set the value according to your environment. A typical medium-size team can use a value of 4096 MB, providing 4 GB of heap memory for the JTS process on a 64-bit computer.

Click Apply, and then click Save directly to the master configuration.

It should create the following custom properties under Java Virtual Machine > Additional Properties, click Custom properties.

Click Apply, and then click Save directly to the master configuration.
For more information use this link.

LDAP configuration
These are the settings that I have in my example:
  • Primary administrative user name: wasadmin
  • Type of LDAP server: Custom
  • Port:389
  • Base distinguished name (DN): dc=example,dc=com
  • Bind distinguished name (DN): cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com

In Global security > Standalone LDAP registry > Advanced Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) user registry settings:
  • User filter: (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=person))
  • Group Filter: (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfNames))
  • User ID map: *:uid
  • Group ID map: *:cn
  • Group member ID map: *:member

Verify that the connection is successful:

Verify the user registry settings:

4. Install IBM Installation Manager 1.5.2
The 64-bit version of Installation Manager checks each package for 64-bit support. If a package does not support the 64-bit version, you receive a warning.
Use a 32-bit version of Installation Manager to install the package.
  • Installation path: /opt/IBM/InstallationManager

5. Install IBM Rational Team Concert 3.0.1
This link describes the process of installing the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) products with IBM Installation Manager.
  • Installation path: /home/jorge/rtc301profile
Note: It is the same installation path that the 32-bit environment. This way we make sure not to change the index location.
Note: The installation is performed using the root user and the CCM context root is /jazz because it comes from a migration from RTC 2.0.x.

6. Change owner and permissions on applications
For example, execute:
$ chown -R jorge:jorge /home/jorge/rtc301profile
$ chmod -R 755 /home/jorge/rtc301profile

7. Deploying applications
This link describes the process of deploying CLM applications on WebSphere Application Server.
The web application files (.war) are copied into:
  • Installation path: /home/jorge/rtc301profile/server/webapps
Note: If WebSphere Application Server is installed in a non-root environment, the user who deploys the CLM applications must have read and write access to the installation directory and all subdirectories.

Note: The clmhelp.war is not deployed in this example.

8. Stop Web services 32 bits environment
Open the WAS administration console, the 32-bit environment, and stop web services.

9. Copy filesystem
You must copy the properties files of the applications, and indexes from the 32-bit environment to 64-bit environment.
Note: Before the copy I recommend making a backup.

10. Start application server and web services 64 bits environment
Open the WAS administration console, the 64-bit environment, and start the application server and the web services.
Note: Make sure the applications are started correctly and that there is no error in the trace files.

11. Check migration
Open the JTS server administration console and verify the status sumary:

Also check the Change and Configuration Management (/jazz) status sumary:

To terminate migration perform the following tests:
- Make entry checks and basic operations with web client
- Make entry checks and basic operations with Eclipse client

Finally we have the new environment set up and ready to work.

As an additional recommendation, you can have the 32-bit environment as a copy of safety precautions for a couple of days to be deleted after a while.

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