Thursday, September 20, 2012

How to delete a profile from a IBM WebSphere Application Server

1) Location:



manageprofiles.bat -delete -profileName <profile_name> (case sensitive commands)

Note: This used to be wasprofile.bat in version 6.0.x and is depricated in 6.1. The Windows service for the profile will have been set to disabled now.

2) Delete the profile folder

e.g <root>\ApplicationServer\profiles\<profile_name>

3) Validate the profile registry and lists the non-valid profiles that it purges

manageprofiles.bat -validateAndUpdateRegistry

4) Remove the Windows service that is set to run the profile.

WASService.exe -remove service_name

e.g If the service name is "IBM Websphere Application Server V6.1 - <computername>Node<xx>"

Then the command will be:

WASService.exe -remove "<computername>Node<xx>"

Note: The same procedure applies to Linux running the correct script

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get Parent workitem on save precondition

Nice snippet found in!!
public IWorkItemHandle findParent(AdvisableOperation operation) throws TeamRepositoryException {
Object data = operation.getOperationData();

if (data instanceof ISaveParameter) // from Workitem -> save operation
ISaveParameter saveParameter = (ISaveParameter) data;
IWorkItemReferences ref = saveParameter.getNewReferences();
List<IEndPointDescriptor> types = ref.getTypes();
for (IEndPointDescriptor desc : types)
if (desc.getId().equalsIgnoreCase("parent")) // "parent" is an RTC/Jazz string ID
List<IReference> refList = ref.getReferences(desc);

if (refList.size() > 0)
IReference iRef = refList.get(0); // Only one parent
Object obj = iRef.resolve();
if (obj instanceof IWorkItemHandle) // Only looking for Workitems.
return (IWorkItemHandle) obj;
return null;
return null;
return null;

The WorkItemEndPoints are only a subset. 

Example for requirements: Use the WorkItemLinkTypes and the ILinkRegistry.

Monday, September 17, 2012

RTC - Import plugins for Jetty based launches

Always the same thing happens to me when I prepare a development environment for RTC. Where are the plugins for Jetty?

There are three plugins you will need to import (one from the RTC SDK and two from your installed server).

Anyway, with this diagram I hope I never forget import the plugins!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Search files within a ZIP archive using zipgrep tool

Bash script that search files within a ZIP archive for lines matching given string or pattern using zipgrep tool.

# zipgrep Util 0.1
# Result ziprep by directory file
# @Jorge Iglesias

# Note: root users
if [ "$(whoami)" != 'root' ]; then
    echo "You have no permission to run $0 as non-root user"
        exit 1;

echo "zipgrep Util 0.1"
echo "Jorge Iglesias"
echo "----------------"

echo "Input pattern"
printf "> "
read pattern

echo "Input directory grep"
printf "> "
read directory

echo "Input directory output results"
printf "> "
read directoryOut

# Control will enter here if $DIRECTORY doesn't exist.
if [ ! -d "$directoryOut" ]; then
    mkdir $directoryOut

cd $directory


for file in `dir -d *` ; do
    zipgrep $pattern $file > $directoryOut/$file.out
    # Control file size and delete files with size 0
    fileSize=$(stat -c "%s" $directoryOut/$file.out)
    if [ $fileSize = 0 ]; then {
        rm $directoryOut/$file.out

echo "Pattern found in $index files."

Monday, July 23, 2012

How to convert .ico files to .png - Linux

# convert start_server.ico start_server.png
bash: convert: command not found...
Install package 'ImageMagick' to provide command 'convert'? [N/y]
 * Running..
 * Resolving dependencies..
 * Waiting for authentication..
 * Waiting in queue..
 * Resolving dependencies..
 * Downloading packages..
 * Testing changes..
 * Installing packages..
 * Scanning applications..

# convert start_server.ico start_server.png

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Setting up a WebSphere Application Server 8.0 for Collaborative Lifecycle Management 4.0

- Windows 7 Enterprise sp1 64 bit
- IBM WebSphere Application Server
- IBM Rational Team Concert 4.0

Using the Integrated Solutions Console for the server Ensure you have completed the following tasks:

- The Java 2 Security option must be turned off. If this option is turned on in WAS, the web application will not start.
  1. Click Security > Global security.
  2. Under Java 2 security, clear the check box for Use Java 2 security to restrict application access to local resources.
  3. Ensure that the Enable administrative security and Enable application security check boxes are selected.


- Ensure that the Use available authentication data when an unprotected URI is accessed application server security setting is selected.
  1. Click Security > Global security > Web and SIP security > General settings.
  2. Click the Use available authentication data when an unprotected URI is accessed check box.
  3. Click OK and Save directly to the master configuration.

Note: This document does not provide details for configuring WebSphere authentication or SSL, which is a complex topic. Detailed information about the various authentication and encryption options is covered in the WebSphere Application Server InformationCenter.

  1. Jazz Team Server requires several specific settings on the Java Virtual Machine in which it runs. To set these properties click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > Server1
  2. Under Server Infrastructure, click Java and Process Management > Process definition.
  3. Under Additional Properties, click Java Virtual Machine.
  4. Add the value 4096 to Initial Heap.
  5. Add the value 4096 to Maximum Heap Size. (The figure here is only a suggestion; set the value according to your environment. A typical medium-size team can use a value of 4096 MB, providing 4 GB of heap memory for the Jazz Team Server process on a 64-bit computer. It is important to use the same amount for Initial and Maximum heap sizes)
  6. In the Generic JVM arguments field, type the following line (for Windows):
    -Xmx4g -Xms4g -Xmn512m
    -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xcompressedrefs
  7. Click Apply, and then click Save directly to the master configuration.
  8. Add these custom properties:  
- Name: JAZZ_HOME, Value: file:///JazzInstallDir/server/conf
- Name: java.awt.headless, Value: true- Name: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin.doNotLoadResourcesPlugin, Value: true
- Name: log4j.configuration, Value: file:///JazzInstallDir/server/conf/

Note: If you are connecting to an Oracle database or SQL Server database, you have to add:
- Name: ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_FILE, Value: Absolute path to the JDBC driver/ojdbc6.jar
- Name: SQLSERVER_JDBC_DRIVER_FILE, Value: Absolute path to the JDBC driver/sqljdbc4.jar

Click Save directly to the master configuration and restart the application server.

Information source:
-  IBM Rational Help - Setting up a WebSphere Application Server

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi)

"OSGi is a component framework specification that brings modularity to the Java platform. OSGi enables the creation of highly cohesive, loosely coupled modules that can be composed into larger applications. What’s more, each module can be individually developed, tested, deployed, updated, and managed with minimal or no impact to the other modules."
Craig Walls,
Modular Java

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Is it possible to delete users? - RTC 4.0

By definition, users can not be deleted, only users can be archived. That tells us the online help of RTC 4.0 (Managing Users) :

Archiving and restoring users

It seems that users are not physically deleted from the repository because they can leave the database inconsistent as they may have associated objects such as WI, plans, reports, streams, etc.

But what about a procedure that creates/load users with their users id wrong?
Diving for the Java API I found that there is a public interface with the following method:
void deleteContributor (IContributorHandle contributorHandle,
                        org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
                        throws TeamRepositoryException

Interesting is not it?

Carefully, I develop a process to delete repository users.
- Windows 2003 Server sp2
- IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 fp 19
- IBM DB2 9.5
- IBM Rational Team Concert 4.0 

The process is performed on the repository JTS.

Apparently, users have been deleted from the repository, but when looking at the trace file (ccm.log), I have the following error:
WARN ility.contributor.internal.ContributorSynchronizer  - CRJAZ1765E An error occurred while synchronizing user data with the Jazz Team Server. CRJAZ0215I The following record was not found in the database: (stateId: [UUID _cmTyJLYsEeGak91zCxBafg], itemId: [UUID _cmKBJ7YsEeGak91zCxBafg], origin: <unset>, immutable: <unset>) .........

Does the process have deleted users correctly? This is what I feared, that the database can be inconsistent.
The funny thing is that only affects users who have associated objects such as WI, plans, reports, streams, etc.

I made ​​a Java program that searches the tables and fields with the value of this UUID. The result, there are records with this value in the following tables:

I make the following query on the database:

The tables do not have anything related then I delete the record of the database:

I delete the trace file and restart the JTS and CCM servers checking that no errors appears.

- In this version of RTC, it seems that this method should not be used for user management

- Run the users batch mechanism in test environments

Java program (Using DB2 database):

package  jif.develop.db;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;

 * @author Jorge Iglesias
public class FindDB2ItemID {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                // RTC 4.0 vmware
                String server = ""; //
                String alias = "CCM";
                int portNumber = 50000;
                String userId = "xxxx";
                String password = "xxxx";

                try {
                        String url = "jdbc:db2://" + server + ":" + portNumber + "/" + alias;

                        Properties props = new Properties();
                        props.setProperty("user", userId);
                        props.setProperty("password", password);

                        // In Partitioned Database environment, set this to the node number
                        // to which you wish to connect (leave as "0" in non-Partitioned
                        // Database environment)
                        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
url, props);
                        // enable transactions

                        DatabaseMetaData metadata=conn.getMetaData();
            System.out.println("Driver version: "

            System.out.println("Database product name: "
            System.out.println("Database product version: "
            System.out.println("Database version: "
            System.out.println("." +metadata.
            String[] names = {"TABLE"};
            ResultSet schemas = metadata.getSchemas();
                        List<String> schemaNames = new ArrayList<String>();
            while ( {
                String tableName = schemas.getString("TABLE_

            for (String stringSchema : schemaNames) {
                ResultSet tables = metadata.getTables(null,
null, names);

                        List<String> tablesNames = new ArrayList<String>();

                while ( {
                    String tableName = tables.getString("TABLE_NAME")

                for (String stringTable : tablesNames) {
                        System.out.println("*** SCHEMA : " + stringSchema + "
                        System.out.println("*** TABLE : " + stringTable + "
                        Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
                                ResultSet resultset = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM "
+ stringSchema + ".\""+stringTable+"\"");

                                ResultSetMetaData metadataTable =
                                int noOfColumns = metadataTable.getColumnCount()
                                //Ids examples:
                                //   comp = "_6tXCELYoEeGak91zCxBafg";
                                //   comp = "_c8qcprYsEeGak91zCxBafg";
                                //   comp = "_cmKBJ7YsEeGak91zCxBafg";
                                String comp = "Unassigned";

                                while ( {
                                        for (int i = 1; i <= noOfColumns; i++) {
                                                String rsValue = resultset.getString(i);
                                                if (rsValue != null) {
                                                        if (comp.compareToIgnoreCase(
rsValue) == 0) {
                                                                System.err.println("FOUND ON SCHEMA: " + stringSchema);
                                                                System.err.println("FOUND ON TABLE: " + stringTable);

            // makes all changes made since the previous commit/rollback
                // and releases any database locks currrently held by the

                // immediately disconnects from database and releases JDBC

                } catch (Exception e) {
                        // TODO Bloque catch generado automáticamente

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Extending RTC (RSA & WAS) - Configuring SDK and Debug

- Windows 2003 Server sp2
- IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 fp 19
- IBM DB2 9.5
- IBM Rational Team Concert 4.0 RC4a
- IBM Rational Software Architect 8.0


1) Enable debugging on the server side:
1.1) Open WAS admin console and go to Application servers > server2 > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine
1.2) The port can be any one that are not in use, but in our case the port

1.3) Stop and Start server

2) With ccm, admin and jts stopped, change server files:

- {wasprofileserver}\config\cells\{wasnodecell}\applications\ccm_war.ear\deployments\ccm_war\ccm.war\WEB-INF\web.xml 
- {wasprofileserver}\config\cells\{wasnodecell}\applications\admin_war.ear\deployments\admin_war\admin.war\WEB-INF\web.xml
- {wasprofileserver}\config\cells\{wasnodecell}\applications\jts_war.ear\deployments\jts_war\jts.war\WEB-INF\web.xml

Uncomment the block that deals with the commandline -console argument

3) Start applications

4) Now you need to download the RTC-SDK (you must be logged in and then unpack it.
Note:  the structure of folders and directories is very long. JazzTeam recommends use 7-zip

5) Open the RSA (or Eclipse with jazz plugin installed) and go to menu Window -> Preferences
5.1)Select Plug-in Development -> Target Platform. Select Running Platform and click the "Edit"

5.2) "Add" a new location for this platform:

5.3) Select source "Installation"

5.4) Type the path where you extracted the SDK and click Finish

5.5) The eclipse will recognize the plugins, then finish the dialog

5.6) Open the view "Plugins" and select all
5.7) Right-click, select "Add to Java Search". This step may take a while to complete.

Now, our server and our client should be read to extending RTC and debugging.